Friday, December 11, 2009

Egg nog, mistletoe, parties, bows, and purpose.

13 days until "The Day". The day our Great Savior, redeeming Father, remarkable God, gave His son on my behalf. On your behalf. The day He gave the brightest example of selflessness.

It's going to be a very special Christmas for me. Unlike last December 25th, this time around I have my whole family back, to sit around the tree and demolish piles of wrapping paper- together. There will not be a Skype call this Christmas. The Lord has brought us back together to celebrate Him. He IS our celebration!

My shoulders have been heavy lately, my mind ransacked by tasks. My patience has been non-existent, my confidence just as low. It's been a season I knew was coming, and is almost over. Christmas Day marks the end. I've only conquered the Balancing Act because of His strength in my bones. I don't even know if I'd call it conquering. It's more like I've learned how to balance, how to keep striving, how to move forward even on the hardest day. Him.

His strength is stronger than any force of this earth; His mercy more beautiful than the most expensive jewel; His love deeper than the deepest hurt I could ever face; His grace sufficient; His goodness ridiculously incredible.

Jesus, YOU are our celebration. This season is all Yours in my heart. Thank You for Your gift to me. It didn't need wrapping paper or bows. It was perfect just the way it was!

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